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Vandi letters 

Dear Adan,

i finally made it to America. it was sad,scary,and exciting all at the same time! it was sad that i had to leave my friends that i made in the refugee in Libra. i also had to leave my family but my mom  made it better by telling me all the opportunities i will get when i get here and she was right i play football, soccer, and basketball.

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There was a war at home so we were forced out of our home and into a refugee camp in Liberia 

Which is a neighbors of Sierra Leone 

I was sad i had to leave my family and friends.

I had to learn how to use the telephone to keep in touch with my parent. 

I like to read books 

 i'm Muslim 

I play football, soccer,besketball

I want to be a lawyer 

It was the first the first time I was on a real pane

I want to help people when i get older 


Q- What was it like to travel by yourself?


  • It was scary because I didn’t know what would happen and what it was like


Q- What was your first reaction that you had to leave your home because of war?


  • I was very upset because I had to leave the home me and my ancestors were born in.



Q-What is it like for you now in America?


  • It’s amazing I play a lot of sports and I still can get in touch with my family by telephone.


Q- What’s your favorite food here and in Libra?


A-My favorite food here is hamburger and pizza and in Libra it is a Spanish and rice dish because in my home country we eat rice with every meal.


The new sangatte photographer N/A website: date accessed 10/17/16

Children walk to classroom photographer Charles reed website: data accessed 10/17/16

Eggs are boiled photographer N/A website  data accessed 10/17/16

Map photographer N/A website data accessed 10/17/16

I am a Muslim Photographer N/A website data accessed 10/17/16

Cartoon sporty photographer N/A website data accessed 10/17/16

Business books photographer N/A website data accessed 10/17/16

Helping people photographer N/A website data accessed 10/17/16

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